The Castle of Ilaria Del Carretto
Zuccarello (SV)
Commissioned by the City of Zuccarello (SV). - For several centuries the abandoned castle has been the subject of a complex restoration associated with archaeological excavations, restoration of decorative painting, architectural restoration and intervention of static consolidation. Like the other cases presented in this publication it was an unused ruin, now close to a structural collapse that was saved by a courageous action to return it to the community of Zuccarello, which is its legitimate owner. The project has allowed the appropriation and the functional reuse of the interior square tower while the interior of the courtyard has been structured to house outdoor events. The project involves the development of the castle through the creation of a permanent exhibition which will be built soon. The castle is known for being the first residence of Ilaria Del Carretto, Paolo Guinigi's wife, Renaissance man made famous by the funeral portrait attributed to Jacopo della Quercia and kept in the Cathedral of Lucca.