Restoration and requalification of the Medici villas
Seravezza (LU)
Commissioned by the City of Seravezza (LU). - This is a redevelopment of the entire complex built by the Grand Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici around 1560. For the importance of the works and the location of the complex, the intervention assumes the value of a restoration and urban redevelopment. The project was aimed to reconnect the palace to the stables through the reconstruction of the great lawn, documented in the view of the painter Giusto Utens and altered in the first post-war by the construction of a football field. The project involved the moving of the road, the overall restoration of the building, the creation of an area for shows, and a technological system to the service of the complex. The reconstruction of the large lawn, approximately 8,000 square meters, has returned dignity and prestige to the building, attributed to the Florentine architects of the Medici Court Bernardo Buontalenti and Bartolomeo Ammannati.